Side Hustle- 100 Words

My first side hustle started when I was 13 years

I was 13 when I started my first sids hustle (Not quite the legal age!). Starting a side hustle early can help build a great foundation and a testing ground very soon. My carnatic music teacher wanted me to complete my music exam right after my 10th grade (it’s equivalent to an undergrad degree). I […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

How to tell your employer that your side hustle is fair?

Employment letters are outdated. Let’s face it. Your employment letter has a termination clause but, may not have “what if you got kicked out due to a meltdown or recession” clause. It should include “you are allowed to do a side hustle” clause that is non conflicting and does not hinder the productivity of my […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Side hustlers who work on extra gigs need this framework

“I am good at this and so, let me just start a side gig.” If that’s why you started or want to start a side hustle, too bad. How I wish things were that simple? Side hustling that can help you land on a few extra gigs need to be fueled by the framework. Framework […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Renting time spaces

I bought a house and then I had some excess savings so I invested in another smaller house. I let it out on rent. With the second one, I started my second stream of income. Second stream of income is the most lucrative part. Right? But let’s be honest. This kind of access to capital […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

I got fired. The reason was not told :-(

I got fired and I was not told the reason. So many around the world are getting fired. But, we are given half-baked answers to them. What happened after I got fired? I got fired and I was not told the reason. I told about this to my husband while I came back in a […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Why do you need a ‘Side Hustle’ with a full time job?

Are you paid for the over time hours? Full time jobs take away more than 12-16 hours of our life hours in a day. While full time employees sign up for 45 hours per week of work life, it takes more than that to stay in a job. Corporates and organizations that care to improve […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

5 reasons that stop from your goals. Habit breaker = goal breaker

Did you just start a #habit 4 days ago and stopped it? The reason could have been very genuine, and I completely understand. But… Your #GOALS don’t understand why you stopped the habit. They are still waiting for you it reach them. You start your path. You start becoming a #thoughtleader of your speciality but […]

Linkedin Voice | Personal Branding Side Hustle- 100 Words

100 words, writing everyday

The most boring thing that I ever experienced was NOT a Monday morning!! The most boring thing was to repeat the same thing everyday. I am challenging myself to do the most boring thing everyday, without any excuses. I have a hack for it. And that’s by repeating to do what I enjoy the most. […]