Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Creativity is structured scatter

I watched an interesting debate on “how can entrepreneurs follow processes while entrepreneurs are meant to be creative?” in one of the entrepreneur forums on google groups. Creative attitude is for some reason stereotyped by scatter and little planning. Though this is true to a certain extent, at the same time we should notice that […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Rupee slump is good. Which side are you?

Over a conversation, I realized the ‘rupee slump‘ period is more of a perspective issue rather than reality. We can further debate on the perspective of reality, but for now lets look at the positive and brighter side of this opportunity called ‘slump in Indian currency‘. One dollar is equal to over 80 rupees. That is definitely a […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Diverse content for different media

“Diverse content for different media”, I want to shout this out as loud as possible. It is high time that organizations understand, what type of content needs to be used in each of the social media channels. It is sad to see that the marketing manager or the CEO does not have enough time to review the content produced. Due to […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

How do you have so many real life stories to share?

I get asked this often. “How do you manage to share so many stories on Linkedin?” Trust me you would also have so many unique stories to share. What you need would be… one habit – journaling one skill – articulation one trait – vulnerability Everyday journaling helps me center myself around inspiration for each […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

School for life – learn life skills with a ‘Life renewing Skills’

School for life – learn life skills We read and write everyday. How much time is spent in reading and writing words? This includes watching movies with subtitles, reading books, talking to professionals, watching television with ads in it, glancing bill boards on the road or surfing the products displayed in a retail store. The world has adapted […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

I don’t have time to write a story

I don’t have time to write, anymore. If you have said this to yourself multiple times, I have two hacks. One, is to satisfy your ego. Second, is to hurt your ego. Choose what suits you. #1 Find an anchor tied to blocked time on the calendar. Have a reminder notification. Keep this as your […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

What to do? My head doesn’t settle for any thinking.

3 reasons why your thinking does not settle are… I will share them in a moment. Thinking is a fundamental skill that Thought Leaders master. They are always a few steps ahead of the rest of the world in the way they perceive things. But, I have heard many founders and senior professionals admit that […]

Content Hacks Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Have you ever started with the end? The Inverted Pyramid

Starting with the impact or end result is one of the most powerful ways of drawing attention. It is a very famous ‘hook’ format that is neglected. When you see yourself in the perfect dress that you always wanted to or the dream car that you always wanted to drive, you would be interested in […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Pralaya in not the end. What is Pralaya?

What is PRALAYA? To me pralaya is an explosion, an end to a continuous action. After such explosion comes stillness. This stillness results in silence that has the entire world in it. A silence that can’t be expressed but can only be experienced. Pralaya is a mythological concept referred to, in Hinduism. It represents the end of the world […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words

Success – Enjoyable or Regrettable?

Success – Enjoyable or Regrettable? The glamour behind SUCCESS, the glamour that makes us feel that SUCCESS is closer and easier to achieve is deceiving. The glamour that seduces us to get closer to the sheen of success is the ugliest of all. When any given task, is something we love to do, we enjoy […]