Thought Leadership

20-20-20 Timeboxing: A technique that will help you write more often

When was the last time your to-dos list failed you from checkboxing every item on it. Probably today or yesterday? And, each instance when you gather your willpower to keep up with a consistent writing schedule, you fall flat after a specific number of trials. Failing to keep up with a consistent writing schedule and […]

Thought Leadership

Rumsfeld’s Wisdom framework: Eliminates self skepticism and imposter syndrome that stops from becoming a Thought Leader

Have you ever been in a war zone similar to 9/11 that brought down the twin towers in New York and hulked the walls of Pentagon? In a split second, you oscillate from a deafening sound too clueless to drawing into a siege. If your answer is no, then you have hope to eliminate self-skepticism […]

Thought Leadership

Ideator’s framework: A model that will help you generate endless ideas when you don’t know what to write.

If you don’t know what to write, let me share a secret in the words of Dee Hock. Dee Hock, the founder of Visa quoted, “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Creativity is structured scatter

I watched an interesting debate on “how can entrepreneurs follow processes while entrepreneurs are meant to be creative?” in one of the entrepreneur forums on google groups. Creative attitude is for some reason stereotyped by scatter and little planning. Though this is true to a certain extent, at the same time we should notice that […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Rupee slump is good. Which side are you?

Over a conversation, I realized the ‘rupee slump‘ period is more of a perspective issue rather than reality. We can further debate on the perspective of reality, but for now lets look at the positive and brighter side of this opportunity called ‘slump in Indian currency‘. One dollar is equal to over 80 rupees. That is definitely a […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

How do you have so many real life stories to share?

I get asked this often. “How do you manage to share so many stories on Linkedin?” Trust me you would also have so many unique stories to share. What you need would be… one habit – journaling one skill – articulation one trait – vulnerability Everyday journaling helps me center myself around inspiration for each […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

I don’t have time to write a story

I don’t have time to write, anymore. If you have said this to yourself multiple times, I have two hacks. One, is to satisfy your ego. Second, is to hurt your ego. Choose what suits you. #1 Find an anchor tied to blocked time on the calendar. Have a reminder notification. Keep this as your […]

Content Hacks Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Have you ever started with the end? The Inverted Pyramid

Starting with the impact or end result is one of the most powerful ways of drawing attention. It is a very famous ‘hook’ format that is neglected. When you see yourself in the perfect dress that you always wanted to or the dream car that you always wanted to drive, you would be interested in […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Language is being made a barrier

English – the only language a candidate is evaluated upon From the times of colonialism and industrialization, English has emerged as the second most spoken language in the world until now. Apart from that it is the most used language on internet and hence we all see new virtual species developing like SEO, content marketing and so on. […]

Side Hustle- 100 Words Thought Leadership

Why some thought leadership is more attractive than others?

“Why is that guy’s story always better than mine?” Ever had this feeling? When I introspect my work, a true comparison between my work and others that inspires me reveals the truth. Those who inspire me have the ability to build unique perspectives. Building unique perspectives is built by taking the strength of your unique […]