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$10 million dollar business: Converting a vision into reality

Many marketers also use this technique to win business. Wondering how? Olympians also use guided imagery for mental training. Well, you may not know but you are surrounded by visualizations. Placing ads at different touchpoints, promoting brand related visual imagery is also based on the concept of visualization. And, changing exposure to them can help you change your thinking.

“Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?” With a pandemic like COVID-19, global economic turbulence, and rapid climatic changes, there is no predictability. How can anybody commit to where I would be 5 years from now? Here is how you can convert your vision into reality with the visualization technique also applied for being a thought leader.

The Secret is

Subconscious thinking brings the thought into your mind. And the first practice to establish as a thought leader is to be able to Visualize as a part of your thinking process. Ensure that, that fundamental idea over which you plan to create your personal brand stays strong and flawless.

Painting a picture is a great way to visualize.

Based on a true story who used Visualization to earn $10 million

Here’s a real story about how a person used visualization in his life.

In the early 1990s, no one knew who this guy named Carrey was. He was an unknown, struggling actor.

To remain motivated, he decided to write himself a check for 10 million dollars, insane right? But he wrote it against something called “acting services rendered,” and this was dated for 1994. He carried it in his wallet for daily inspiration. Believe it or not, In 1994, Carrey was offered exactly 10 million dollars for his role in the movie Dumb and Dumber.

Does that ring a bell?

Today, the same person is Jim Carrey, one of America’s top movie stars — and he credits his constant visualization for helping him get to where he is today.

In your head, do you hear, “It’s not for me.”?

You must be thinking, well it’s Jim Carrey! Things have worked out for him. But, how will visualization work for me, my personal brand, or my career or my business.

Well, you may not know but you are surrounded by visualizations. And changing exposure to them can help you change your thinking. 

Let me tell you about a scientific method called guided imagery.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery is one such relaxation technique based on visualizing pleasant images and body awareness to help people to create sensory-rich images in their mind to promote relaxation, concentration and body awareness. This relaxed state can aid healing, learning, creativity, and performance, which may help one feel more in control of their emotions and thought processes. It is especially used in the fields of sports and athletics. 

Olympians also use guided imagery for mental training.

Advertisements as visual imagery

Many marketers also use this technique to win business. Wondering how? Well it is simple. It is through ads. Advertisements.

Placing ads at different touchpoints, promoting brand related visual imagery is also based on the concept of visualization.

When you are driving, you might see a jewelry ad on the bill board or a divider in the middle of the road, subconsciously you are being primed to ask for it. You would set your goals to buy it. You would probably keep looking at a huge signboard that invites you for drinks or gain an ambient experience at a restaurant, you are attracted to it. You may also see why some entrepreneurs fill their walls with inspiring quotes and imagery of successful leaders.

When you keep seeing the same image over and over again, either you have a strong feeling of owning it or you get super familiar with it.

When it has worked for Jim Carrey, athletes and marketers, it can work for you too. There is something that would work in your favor too.

Breaking the habit of being yourself: Book recommendation

There is also a book that will help you gain more faith in the technique of Visualization.

You know it is so easy to be deceived by the existing circumstances and believe that ‘I am what I am now.’ While it is true to an extent, it cannot help you be who you want to be. 

My personal story

Joe Dispenza’s book was a lovely read for me in 2017, right after I gave birth to my daughter and was trying to sustain a career and livlihood.

It wasn’t easy. Right when I was ready to give up. My father made this recommendation.

Why don’t you give a read to this book called, “Breaking the habit of being yourself.”  Let me repeat that – Breaking the habit of being yourself.

The title itself was intriguing.

When you end up believing that what you see is who you are, you can never realize and achieve your fullest potential.

This book is an amazing combination of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics. What I love the best about it is that it provides a scientific, step-by-step method to help you realize who you are and start receiving your new self.

Visualization Technique: Painting a picture helps you visualize your dream.

So here is a technique that I am going to share which will help you visualize. The technique is called painting a picture.

Painting a picture helps you visualize your dream.

So, How To Create A Painted Picture?

This is a technique borrowed from Brian Scudamore who has transformed his stagnant business into a 100 million dollar business.

Taking my own example I started with a $8 gig and now stepped into a 6-figure lifestyle.

Making your own Painted Picture is simple. It involves three steps.

The three steps are retreat, visualize, and ask.

  • First step is retreat. So, grab a notebook and find a quiet space where you don’t have any distractions from your daily life.
  • Second step is visualize. Shut your eyes and think of who you want to be. Keep your eyes closed until you see a new self of yourself. 
  • The third step is to ask. It is about asking your future self. Write about it in detail. Every little feature and detail that you see. Now, ask your future self – what would you do to be who you are in the future? Think about everything that you need to change or act upon: your team, clients, routines, habits, your family, your health, and every little element.

Visualization helps you give a physical form to something that is hidden in your thoughts. You are your own crystal ball.

Nischala Agnihotri

Make your vision a reality by choosing to set yourself on the path to become a thought leader using the technique of Visualization and deliberate thinking.

Drop in which visualization technique to you use or if you have an inspiring story.